Thursday, 7 November 2013

Cool ways of writing a SRS document


In the previous blog-post, we learnt a new concept of System Requirement Specification or SRS Document. Do you remember what was it? A SRS Document specifies the user requirements and the system requirements.
Today, we will discover some really cool ways of writing a SRS document.
1) Natural Language: In our previous episode, zaryab visited a car dealer and explicitly mentioned his requirements to him. That he needed a yellow sports car, that it's price must be below or equal to $50,000 and that it must be delivered within two week. When you use a simple language (i.e English) to express each requirement, this method of specifying the requirements is called Natural Language Specification.
2) Structured Natural Language: Imagine that the car dealer had provided Zaryab with an input form to specify his requirements for the car. He must have then specified his requirements in natural language on a standard form. Each field on the form must have provided information about an attribute of the car.
3) Design Description Languages: Have you ever written algorithms using psedocodes? If you have, then you have already used this design description approach to specify your requirements. The approach uses a language with abstract features to specify the requirements.

4)Graphical Notation: Graphical models such as Use cases and Sequence Diagrams are used to define the functional requirements for the system. This approach will be covered in more detail in the future blog posts on Modelling.

5) Mathematical Specifications: This approach is based on mathematical concepts such as finite state machines that are used to model the behavior of the system.


  1. Who is the author of SRS and SDS. and what's the main difference between the two?

    1. Basically SRS defines what the customer wants
      And SDS how we satisfy (design) what the customer wants.
