Friday, 1 November 2013

Let's Engineer Software!

Web Developer, Software Engineer, Programmer? If any of these descriptions sound like you, then you have successfully dropped by the right place. 

What do you imagine yourself doing when we ask you to engineer software? Probably, sitting on a laptop and coding your brains out, right?  Well, for a majority of small-scale programs that’s exactly what you’ll be doing. Sitting on a laptop, making an algorithm on a piece of paper and then, instantly beginning to code the components of your programs. However, this approach completely fails when you are about to develop a complete system consisting of many functionalities. 
Redefining ‘Software’  

Software is just not programs but also all the associated documentation and configuration data that is needed to make these programs operate correctly. The configuration files are used to set up these programs. The system documentation describes the structure of the software system in technical terms and the user documentation explains how to use the system and web sites for users to download recent product information.

What is this blog about?

This blog will be your own personal guide to everything you need to know about engineering software. Want to know how the functional and non-functional requirements of an anti-virus program elicited? Ever wondered about how are the functionalities of a social networking website improved based on user feedback? Our team ain’t afraid of taking up the challenge and teaching you all the concepts related to software engineering. From the most basic definitions to most complex process models required in software engineering, this blog has it unmasked. 

Learning with us will be fun. 

We are not just a bunch of geeks typing everything we learn in class, we are a bunch of smart geeks who want to make this learning process easy and fun for you. So every topic will be covered through application-based stories. For instance, the post coming up next explains you the process of requirement gathering through one of our friend’s experience ofbuying a yellow sports car for his brother’s birthday! 

The learning tutorials are divided into four parts, where every part corresponds to a stage in the Software Development lifecycle. You can track down your position by following zarby. He’ll point to whatever stage you’re currently on.
As for those of you who are searching for a specific topic and want to know quickly what each blog post is about, we have made this easier for you through our “What we learnt today” segment that follows every blog entry. There is also a search button on top-right of your screens to help you search out specific terms/words.
If you have a question or just want to say hi, pop on over to our contact page and send us an email at the addresses provided.

Last words

Visit us for a weekly dose of SE concepts, contributed by kids who shall make you learn as they will learn new concepts in class. We believe in working smartly. To those who aspire to understand the SE process... Stay tuned!

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